Time flying by

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cuppa tea with Ava

Bronte meets Finn

Ava's new baby brother! Ava can show Bronte how to be an awesome big sister

Friday, September 24, 2010

Morning tea

Morning tea at lone pine. Mum doesn't get a look-in on the milkshakes anymore.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cuddles with Nanna

Now that we don't live with Nanny, every opportunity must be taken for cuggles

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Helping Rog

Roger came over and constructed (hopefully) a possum-proof vege patch. In survivor style, the leftover building materials were utilised, and included a mixture of chicken wire, offcuts, wire, bamboo, and zip ties. To date, success! no possum entry. Now the veges just need to grow...


There is too long between visits sometimes

Friday, September 17, 2010

Racing with Ava

Ava's new backyard is perfect for backyard races

Sunday, September 12, 2010

No longer enemies

A whole new section of playground open up as Bronte masters her climbing skills

Far from enemies - these two now request play dates with each other

I know it is Bronte's blog, but Tadhg's grin was too good to miss.

2 years, 4 months

If Bronte looks a bit tired in this photo, it is because it has been a VERY big month. We moved back into our (pretty much) new house - which also meant Bronte moving into her own room! (though mum is still needed). She has also been sitting on the toilet a lot more at home and at school - with minimal success though. We have also had about 2 weeks of fairly constant tantrums, a collapsing knee, and a hacking cough -- all of which resulted in one molar fully through, another on the way, and another few centimetres of height. Thankfully, the tantrums seemed to have stopped for the moment. Spanish progresses: she is still silent in class, but very good on colours, animals and counting anywhere else. Singing is also progressing, as are her soccer skills (which are already better than mums). She also found she is going to have a little brother! Whom she has named "Finn" already. As stated, a very very big month.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rascal girls

Riding bikes in the house is not really allowed, but Zoe and Bronte pushed the limits on their very fun play date

Having a bit to eat - rockstar style

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A BIG play in the park

We went to a park up near Shorncliffe for Aunty Mel's birthday. It was a great, if somewhat windy, day with a catch up of many of the 'old girls.

With Ava moved up from Melbourne, there will be plenty of play dates

Helping make the chocolate with blueberries on top cake

Ava - the very neat cake eater

Bronte - the not so clean one

Off to the beach with Aunty Nat for a clean-up

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fathers day at school

School had a dad and grandads afternoon - unfortunately granddad couldn't make it, but Bronte still had lots of fun

Gorgeous girl

Spider girl

Very adventurous at a safe 50cm off the ground