Bronte's child care hosted a very enjoyable Fair - pony rides and all! Bronte on the tea cup ride - her first motorized ride (that she agreed to get on). She LOVED it! Zoe and Bronte were inseparable all day - particularly as Zoe has now moved up a class.
This is Bronte's future brother or sister in the works. Due Feb 5. Bronte is 50/50 on whether it is a boy or a girl, but is 100% on the name - butterball - finally interpreted as "beautiful".
Key phrases of the month? "Whats dat noise?" and "Not a baby, I'm a big girl now". Yes - we cannot even sing songs with the word baby in it without that one coming out. The singing continues - with "a b c d..." a favourite. Bronte also started Spanish this month, and though was very quiet in the first lesson, proceeded to then count to 6 in Spanish later in the day - woohoo!