Time flying by

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Big Sky

We had a pretty special day today, running a frisbee tournament to help our friends ini their fight against MND.


Thanks so much to Ava (morning) and Zoe (afternoon) who helped to entertain Bronte while mum and dad helped out. And a huge thanks to Bronte who entertained herself for over an hour while mum finished up admin duties and dad played in the final. The night finished with some break dancing on the dance floor, some loud "rock and roll" proclamations, and the statement "I'm a party girl" as we got home at 9:30pm (after no sleep for the day).

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mudjimba - with friends

The best weekend in weeks, so we hit the beach. Ava was able to come up, and the girls had a wonderful time in the newly exposed rockpools.

Bronte is far braver with rocks around than open surf.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fading fast

After a birthday party, and soccer play - Bronte was fading very fast

Soccer practice

A meeting with the Westside gang saw some intense soccer training

Cousin Meg

Hanging out with the Ross clan for daddy's birthday, Bronte sneaks in some trampoline time with Meg

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Drama at Barkala

The gum tree suffered from the 90km/h winds, leading to a loss of power through the day, and a lot of excitment on the street, with police, firetrucks, and other assorted big trucks.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hola Tilly!

Tilly is very good at Spanish in the classroom - but doesn't say anything outside. The opposite of Bronte. Luckily, they can both communicate in regards to park matters.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A tough night

Last night Bronte fell off the couch - which was nothing unusual - but this was unintended and resulted in a very sore arm. After some deliberating we decided to get it check out at hospital. A few x-rays, 2 opinions, and 3 hours later - there was no defintite conclusion. So - this is her on the way back to hospital in the morning. After some more inconclusive x-rays, the orthopaedic surgeon came along and popped back in her "pulled elbow" (radial bone dislocated out of elbow). It is still not 100%, but better. Fingers crossed for the morning.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2 years 5 months

After the tantrums of last month, this month has been delightful - with our cuddly and very charming B-girl back (I am clever and cute, and funny to boot!) She is very into jumping and climbing at the moment, and loves sharing her toys with all her friends that come around to visit. Her favourite book at the moment is "Cat in the Hat".

Leaf anyone?

Bronte actually liked the very strange mixture of leaves from the markets - but the majority ended up in the compost.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Exciting tales

As read by Nanna

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday breakfast

An excellent breakfast on the new deck with grandma and granddad

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bath time

Eve and Jack come over for a visit which meant Bronte was able to have bath friends

Friday, October 8, 2010

Puddle stomping

Gumboots on, there are puddles to stomp as the dams are full and the draught is broken.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Park life

A glimpse of sunshine and the last day of school holidays meant the local park was very very busy, and a bit daunting.

But Bronte got over it!