Time flying by

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, December 31, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Beach play

By great fortune, we stumbled upon multiple days of great beach fun up at Mudjimba. Bronte's swimming skills are rapidly improving - such that she was even trying body surfing.

Little baby

Frozen baby, safe in the hands of granddad. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Presents from Santa

 After a morning of manic opening, the kids settled down in their presents from Santa - with a circus tent for Bronte, and a car garage for Zach. We then spent a lovely day at Nanna's - with all the Aunties and cousins and some excellent food. A forgotten camera meant no photos - but Bronte did have a nice tummy graze going from the slip-n-slide.

Monday, December 24, 2012

A quick ride

A quick ride before Christmas to push through the 4 o'clock battle, and a chance to catch up with Zoe. 

Rocking it out

X & Q stayed the night - leading to a rock-it-out session before breakfast. Unfortunately, the experiment entitled "Xavier and Bronte sleeping in the same single bed" was unsuccessful, leading to a very late night, and tiredness repercussions for the next few days. But, as both were so desperate for it to work, we thought it was worth a try. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

In the jungle

Bronte got a rope for Christmas, to add to the ring set. I am not sure we actually need to encourage and promote climbing for Zach, or build his strength in it... 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas part 1

Christmas Part 1 was at the Healy household. And though Annika and Gabby get tired of being the oldest cousins (and therefore always looking after the little ones) - they are soooo good at it, and I am soooooo grateful to them for it - because it makes for a relaxing day for all. 

Friday, December 21, 2012


Not a great photo of any of the kids - but you can see all the tomato sauce creations that Matthew has done - with Bronte getting her own Bronte-sauce-us. 

A typical Aussie boy part 2

Perhaps a bit more typical Aussie boy - meat pie, rashie, pool. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A typical Aussie boy

Hanging out on the front step, eating mango. In a tutu. 

Santa - just there

Zach has been extremely excited about Christmas - particularly Santa. So, when he saw Santa at a shopping centre he was VERY excited. But fear overcame excitement and this was as close as he was willing to get. Though from the sounds of the wails, he did do better than several other children that Santa met that day.

Last day

Bronte's last official day at kindy today. She has travelled through her childcare years with a wonderful group of friends, and she and I will miss them all a lot. Here are three (out of 8) of the "princesses" of the year. Fortunately, several of them have siblings in Zach's year - so we will continue to see each other.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Xavier's party - take 2

Xavier was crook on his actual birthday so this was take 2. First up was Q in the jolly jumper. 

Then Zach had a turn. All seemed ok. Until it started to tip - and then, thank goodness Bronte saved him, hugging Zach tight as the frame fell around her. She is a bit of a superhero.

And then we played a Swedish tradition - where you "fish" for your party bag. They were biting well that day my friend - Bronte and Zach caught a whole bag of them.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Carols in the Park

After many rain cancelled years, we finally made it to our local carols by candlelight. It was fantastic - over 1000 people, each with their picnics and blankets, kids running mad around the oval, and a 15 minute firework show to top it off. The carols were beautiful, but they were very much the background music to the hum of conversations and kids laughing. We caught up with other locals - Zoe and Ava in the fun. 

Not a good idea...

I still keep thinking that food colouring, kids, and me is an ok combination. It is not. However, a liberal spray of Preen on the clothes, and some rapid work on the bench top meant that the damage was limited.

The joy of the $2 shop

Reindeer ears for them, reindeer ears for the the car. The car ones were only allowed when I was driving.

Friday, December 14, 2012

22 months

22 months in and I am still wrapping my head around what having a boy means. For Zach it means quiet = mischief and anything can be climbed. The words are flooding out, including the very adorable "I love you". At school he has moved up to the next room, and is generally doing well, though the biting still surfaces every now and again... The choosing of his own clothes has begun - with his Upsy Daisy top (pictured) - it is not right unless he has the matching flower pants. Yes - he is quite a fan of his sister's hand-me-downs such that his favourite colour is pink, and there are fights over who gets the pink cup. In terms of sleeping, he is far better than his sister ever was (or is) - and we are getting up to double digits in terms of sleeps through the night. He is also going very well in his self-induced toilet training, with ~80% success rate.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


A mid-week babysit for Zoe led to dress-ups, a disco dance party, and a viewing of the christmas lights.  Although they will be off at separate schools next year, these two will always be friends. 

4 years, 7 months

It has a busy few months with sickness (everyone) and busy-ness (everyone). Bronte received her transition statement from her kindy (kinda like a report card) which stated "Bronte is a compassionate, friendly child who loves to laugh, attracting many peers to join her in play". I will take that! Over the past two months we have been working with the teachers on strategies to encourage participating in activities where she is a bit shy - typically it involves negotiating a deal. She is learning how to "hold it in", and try even when she is scared. Which is a pretty big deal. On the home front she remains very loving - and very tolerant - of Zach, only occasionally pleading for some alone time. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The crowned princess

Bronte normally does not let her face be painted at school - but princess crown including purple eye shadow were way too tempting an offer. A princess face, just like this, was her latest request to Santa. 

A visit to kindy

We cut it fine, but I managed to squeeze in my second class visit for the kindy year (the first was just reading a book). This time, Marina and I helped the kids make shortbread. You got the feeling that cooking was no novelty to this guys, but - it was a tasty, and successful morning.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The artist

I was reminded the other day to make note of my impressions of what the children may be when they were older. I have always thought of Bronte as the "all-rounder", but right from birth, I have thought of Zach as the "artistic boy". He loves music, dancing, and drawing, and is starting to show an artistic temperament...  It must be that strong artistic side that drives him to draw over every available surface. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

My Bubbas

Zach has grown very attached to his two "bubbas" - one named Sam, the other - well, Bubba. It was a near disaster when he left bubba at gymnastics for the week. A substitute needed to be found, and phone calls made. Of course, being a boy, Zach doesn't treat his bubba quite like Bronte used to treat her baby doll - with Bubba getting thrown as much as she is cuddled. 

New Farm games

A lovely picnic at New Farm park with the school friends. Finn can keep up with the girls, Zach not quite yet, and was often left just those few moments behind. 

This is Bronte's form of passive resistance to photos.

Ah - we will miss you guys sooooo much (they are heading back to Melbourne in the new year).