Time flying by

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Words of 2009

bird, ball, mumma (+ variations), dadda, nanna, granma, granda, yes, no, more, uh oh, purple, beach, wave, cato (cacco), coco, there, bath, pool, oh no, Jess, Grace, up, hello, bye bye, night night, whee, wow, me, beep beep, gone, choo choo, brrr, ni (in), open, that, car, fluff, star, book, shhh, sit, seat, shake, in there, open, pretty, bubba, wee, two, five, knock knock, nose, eye, tea, toes, cup of tea, cup, shoes, clock, knee, spade, boat, boo, cool, hat, go, stop, apple, achoo, tree, Meg (!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what about 'meg,' huh?