Four new teeth (top and bottom molars) and a whole lot of attitude have just started to emerge. Looking back at Bronte's 16-month description, her and Zach are going along parallel paths. i.e. the tantrums have started, the bossiness, and the deliberate naughtiness - all wrapped up in a whole lot of charm. He can jump and run, and practices climbing over everything and swinging off it. He has a few words (spider, digger, ball, book, bubble and baby are some), but he is very into the sign language, repeatedly signing "more / milk / finished / down / up". He loves it when we understand him - though when a boy goes to the cupboard, gets a cup, goes and opens the fridge, tries to lift up the milk, does the sign for milk, and finishes off with a "uugh!" - it is really not that difficult to get what he wants. I get the feeling he is ruling the roost a school - he squirms his way into most action photos, particularly if they involve the sand pit.
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