Time flying by

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Not that one, that one

As Zach's verbal language increases, his non-verbal language is getting poorer. That is, by means of pointing and "ugh" - it used to be pretty easy to understand what he wanted. Now he just tries to say the words without the point - and gets frustrated when we do not understand. Zach has also started to have a strong say over which clothes he wants to wear. For example, he picked his thomas undies (undies vs. nappy), board shorts (board shorts vs. swimming pants vs. normal shorts), and swimming top (swimming top vs. shirt) at the beach the other day, with very definite "NO" and "YES" when I picked the wrong/right clothes. This is the stage with Bronte where our house turned pink.

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